Bird Name In Hindi & English :- Today we will tell you about Bird Name which is important for small children to know. We will first tell you about those birds, which you must have seen every day. Children will not know their names and they will not be able to recognize them, so we will give you the names of all those birds with pictures and tell their names in both Hindi and English languages.
आज हम आपको Bird Name के बारें में बतायेगें जो कि छोटे बच्चो के लिए जानना जरूरी होता हैं। हम पहले आपको उन पक्षियों के बारें में बतायेगें जिनको आप प्रतिदिन देख ही लेते होगें । बच्चो को उनके नाम नही पता होगा और वह पहचान भी नही पाते होगें इस लिए हम आपक उन सभी पक्षियों के नाम Picture / images के साथ देगें और उनके नाम Hindi और English दोनो भाषा ( language ) में बतायेगें।
No. | Bird with Picture | Bird Name In English | Bird Name In Hindi |
1. | Crane | सारस | |
2. | Cock | मुर्गा | |
3. | Crow | कौवा | |
4. | Pigeons/ Dove | कबूतर | |
5. | Cuckoo | कोयल | |
6. | Duck | बतख़ | |
7. | Hen | मुर्गी | |
8. | Eagle | चील | |
9. | Kite | चील | |
10. | Kingfisher | राम चिरैया | |
11. | Parrot | तोता | |
12. | Sparrow | गौरेया | |
13. | Mynah | मैना | |
14. | Owl | उल्लू | |
15. | Ostrich | शुतरमुर्ग | |
16. | Peacock | मोर | |
17. | Swan | हंस | |
18. | Woodpecker | कठफोड़वा | |
19. | Skylark | चकवा | |
20. | Pheasant | तीतर | |
21. | Pewit | टीटहरी | |
22. | Weaver | बयापक्षी | |
23. | Raven | काला कौआ | |
24. | Rook | कौआ | |
25. | Great Egret | बगुला | |
26. | Peahen | मोरनी | |
27. | Grey Partridge | तीतर | |
28. | Lark | भारव्दाज़ पक्षी | |
29. | Blue jay | नीलकंठ | |
30. | Heron | अंधा बगुला | |
31. | Goose | हंस/ कलहंस | |
32. | Falcon/ Falco | बाज़ | |
33. | Indian Bush Lark | अगीया | |
34. | Painted Stork | कठसारंग/ जंघिल/ कंकरी | |
35. | Indian Robin | काली चिड़ी | |
36. | Black Drongo | कोतवाल, भुजंग | |
37. | Asian Koel | कोयल | |
38. | Chukar Partridge | चकोर | |
39. | Crested Bunting | चिरटा, पत्थर चिड़िया | |
40. | Common Hawk-Cuckoo | पपीहा | |
41. | Ashy Prinia | फुत्की | |
42. | Osprey | मछलीमार | |
43. | Peregrine Falcon | शाहीन | |
44. | Egyptian Vulture | सफ़ेद गिद्ध, गोबर गिद्ध | |
45. | Alexandrine Parakeet | सिकंदर, पहाड़ी तोता | |
46. | Indian Bush Lark | अगीया | |
47. | Black-Headed IBIS | कचाटोर, सफेद बाझ, मुंडा | |
48. | Eurasian Hobby | कश्मिरी मोरास्सानी, धूती | |
49. | Bat | चमगादड़ |
Names of some birds found only in India
अब कुछ ऐसे भी Birds Name के बारें में जान लीजिए जिनको आप बहुत ही कम देख पाते होगें और इन सभी Birds की सबसे खास बात यह है कि यह सभी पक्षी सिर्फ India में ही पाये जाते हैं। इल लिए यह और भी दुर्लभ हो जाते है तो आपको इन सभी पक्षीयों के बारें में अवश्य जानना चाहिए। तो चलिए हम उन सभी पक्षियों के बारें में DETAILS में बताते हैं।
Now know about some such Birds Name, which you will be able to see very rarely and the most important thing about all these birds is that all these birds are found only in India. If it becomes even more rare then you must know about all these birds. So let us tell about all those birds in details.
No. | Bird with Picture | Bird Name In English | Bird Name In Hindi |
1. | – Snow partridge | हिम तीतर | |
2. | – Tibetan snowcock | तिब्बती रामचकोर | |
3. | – Himalayan snowcock | हिमालय का रामचकोर | |
4. | – Chukar | चकोर – | |
5. | – Black Francolin | काला तीतर | |
6. | – Painted Francolin | पेंटेड फ़्रैंकोलिन | |
7. | – Chinese Francolin | चीनी तीतर | |
8. | – Grey Francolin | सफ़ेद तीतर, गोरा तीतर या राम तीतर | |
9. | – Swamp Francolin | जंगली तीतर | |
10. | – Tibetan Partridge | तिब्बती तीतर | |
11. | – Common Quail | बड़ा बटेर | |
12. | – Japanese Quail | जापानी बटेर | |
13. | – Rain Quail | चानक | |
14. | – Blue-breasted Quail | गोबल बुटई | |
15. | – Jungle Bush-Quail | लौआ | |
16. | – Rock Bush-Quail | लौवा | |
17. | – Painted Bush-Quail | कोकनी लौवा | |
18. | – Manipur Bush-Quail | मणिपुरी बटेर | |
19. | – Hill Partridge | पियोरा | |
20. | – Rufous-throated Partridge | लाल गले वाला तीतर | |
21. | – White-cheeked Partridge | सफ़ेद गाल वाला तीतर | |
22. | – Chestnut-breasted Partridge | भूरी छाती वाला तीतर | |
23. | – Mountain Bamboo-Partridge | पर्वतीय बांस का तीतर | |
24. | – Red Spurfowl | छोटी जंगली मुर्गी | |
25. | – Painted spurfowl | हुत्काह | |
26. | – Himalayan Quail | पर्वतीय बटेर | |
27. | – Blood Pheasant | चिल्मिआ | |
28. | – Western Tragopan | जेवर (पक्षी) | |
29. | Satyr Tragopan | मुनाल | |
30. | – Blyth’s Tragopan | ब्लाइद ट्रॅगोपॅन | |
31. | – Temminck’s Tragopan | टॅमिन्क ट्रॅगोपॅन | |
32. | -Koklass Pheasant | कोकलास | |
33. | – Himalayan Monal | हिमालयी मोनाल | |
34. | – Sclater’s Monal | स्क्लैटर मोनाल | |
35. | – Red Junglefowl | लाल जंगली मुर्गा | |
36. | – Grey Junglefowl | सलेटी जंगली मुर्गा | |
37. | – Kalij | कालिज | |
38. | – Cheer Pheasant | चीर | |
39. | – Mrs Hume’s Pheasant | धारीदार पूँछ वाला तीतर | |
40. | – Grey Peacock-Pheasant | सलेटी मयूर-तीतर |
National Bird Name
Country | Name of bird | Scientific name | Official status | Picture | No. |
Albania | Golden eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Yes | 1. | |
Angola | Red-crested turaco | Tauraco erythrolophus | Yes | 2. | |
Anguilla | Zenaida dove | Zenaida aurita | Yes | 3. | |
Antigua and Barbuda | Magnificent frigatebird | Fregata magnificens | Yes | 4. | |
Argentina | Rufous hornero | Furnarius rufus | Yes | 5. | |
Aruba | “Shoco” (Burrowing Owl). Proposed as national bird, but recognized as Aruba’s “national symbol” in 2012 | Athene cunicularia arubensis | Yes | 6. | |
Aruba | “Prikichi” (Brown-throated Parakeet). Officially recognized as the national bird in 2017 | Eupsittula pertinax arubensis | Yes | 7. | |
Austria | Barn swallow | Hirundo rustica | Yes | 8. | |
Bahamas | Flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber | Yes | 9. | |
Bahrain | White-eared bulbul | Pycnonotus leucotis | Yes | 10. | |
Bangladesh | Oriental magpie-robin (Doyel Pakhi) | Copsychus saularis | Yes | 11. | |
Belgium | Common kestrel | Falco tinnunculus | Yes | 12. | |
Belize | Keel-billed toucan | Ramphastos sulfuratus | Yes | 13. | |
Bhutan | Common raven | Corvus corax | Yes | 14. | |
Bolivia | Andean condor | Vultur gryphus | Yes | 15. | |
Botswana | Kori bustard | Ardeotis kori | Yes | 16. | |
Brazil | Rufous-bellied thrush | Turdus rufiventris | Yes | 17. | |
British Virgin Islands | Mourning dove | Zenaida macroura | Yes | 18. | |
Cambodia | Giant ibis | Thaumatibis gigantea | Yes | 19. | |
Cayman Islands | Grand Cayman parrot | Amazona leucocephala caymanensis | Yes | 20. | |
Chile | Andean condor | Vultur gryphus | Yes | 21. | |
Colombia | Andean condor | Vultur gryphus | Yes | 22. | |
Costa Rica | Clay-colored thrush | Turdus grayi | Yes | 23. | |
Cuba | Cuban trogon | Priotelus temnurus | Yes | 24. | |
Denmark | Eurasian skylark (1960–1984) | Alauda arvensis | Yes | 25. | |
Denmark | Mute swan (1984–) | Cygnus olor | Yes | 26. | |
Dominica | Imperial amazon | Amazona imperialis | Yes | 27. | |
Dominican Republic | Palmchat | Dulus dominicus | Yes | 28. | |
Ecuador | Andean condor | Vultur gryphus | Yes | 29. | |
El Salvador | Turquoise-browed motmot | Eumomota superciliosa | Yes | 30. | |
Estonia | Barn swallow | Hirundo rustica | Yes | 31. | |
Eswatini | Purple-crested turaco | Tauraco porphyreolophus | Yes | 32. | |
Faroe Islands | Eurasian oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | Yes | 33. | |
Gibraltar | Barbary partridge | Alectoris barbara | Yes | 34. | |
Grenada | Grenada dove | Leptotila wellsi | Yes | 35. | |
Guatemala | Resplendent quetzal | Pharomachrus mocinno | Yes | 36. | |
Guyana | Hoatzin | Opisthocomus hoazin | Yes | 37. | |
Haiti | Hispaniolan trogon | Priotelus roseigaster | Yes | 38. | |
Honduras | Scarlet macaw | Ara macao | Yes | 39. | |
Hungary | Saker falcon | Falco cherrug | Yes | 40. | |
Iceland | Gyrfalcon | Falco rusticolus | Yes | 41. | |
India | Indian peacock | Pavo cristatus | Yes | 42. | |
Indonesia | Javan hawk-eagle | Nisaetus bartelsi | Yes | 43. | |
Iran | Common nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos | Yes | 44. | |
Israel | Hoopoe | Upupa epops | Yes | 45. | |
Jamaica | Doctor bird | Trochilus polytmus | Yes | 46. | |
Japan | Green pheasant | Phasianus versicolor | Yes | 47. | |
Jordan | Sinai rosefinch | Carpodacus synoicus | Yes | 48. | |
Latvia | White wagtail | Motacilla alba | Yes | 49. | |
Liberia | Garden bulbul | Pycnonotus barbatus | Yes | 50. | |
Lithuania | White stork | Ciconia ciconia | Yes | 51. | |
Luxembourg | Goldcrest | Regulus regulus | Yes | 52. | |
Malaysia | Rhinoceros hornbill | Buceros rhinoceros | Yes | 53. | |
Malta | Blue rock thrush | Monticola solitarius | Yes | 54. | |
Mexico | Golden eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Yes | 55. | |
Mongolia | Saker falcon | Falco cherrug | Yes | 56. | |
Montserrat | Montserrat oriole | Icterus oberi | Yes | 57. | |
Namibia | African fish eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Yes | 58. | |
Nepal | Himalayan monal | Lophophorus impejanus | Yes | 59. | |
New Zealand | Kiwi | Apteryx mantelli | Yes | 60. | |
Nicaragua | Turquoise-browed motmot | Eumomota superciliosa | Yes | 61. | |
Nigeria | Black crowned crane | Balearica pavonina | Yes | 62. | |
North Korea | Northern goshawk | Accipiter gentilis | Yes | 63. | |
Norway | White-throated dipper | Cinclus cinclus | Yes | 64. | |
Pakistan | Chukar partridge | Alectoris chukar | Yes | 65. | |
Panama | Harpy eagle | Harpia harpyja | Yes | 66. | |
Papua New Guinea | Raggiana bird-of-paradise | Paradisaea raggiana | Yes | 67. | |
Paraguay | Bare-throated bellbird | Procnias nudicollis | Yes | 68. | |
Peru | Andean cock-of-the-rock | Rupicola peruvianus | Yes | 69. | |
Philippines | Philippine eagle | Pithecophaga jefferyi | Yes | 70. | |
Poland | White-tailed eagle (national bird) | Haliaeetus albicilla | Yes | 71. | |
Saint Helena | Saint Helena plover | Charadrius sanctaehelenae | Yes | 72. | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Brown pelican | Pelecanus occidentalis | Yes | 73. | |
Saint Lucia | Saint Lucia amazon | Amazona versicolor | Yes | 74. | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | St Vincent parrot | Amazona guildingii | Yes | 75. | |
Serbia | Golden eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Yes | 76. | |
Serbia | Griffon vulture | Gyps fulvus | Yes | 77. | |
South Africa | Blue crane | Anthropoides paradisea | Yes | 78. | |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka junglefowl | Gallus lafayetii | Yes | 79. | |
Thailand | Siamese fireback | Lophura diardi | Yes | 80. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | Scarlet ibis | Eudocimus ruber | Yes | 81. | |
Trinidad and Tobago | Cocrico | Ortalis ruficauda | Yes | 82. | |
Uganda | East African crowned crane | Balearica regulorum gibbericeps | Yes | 83. | |
United Arab Emirates | Peregrine falcon | Falco peregrinus | Yes | 84. | |
United States | Bald eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Yes | 85. | |
Venezuela | Venezuelan troupial | Icterus icterus | Yes | 86. | |
Zambia | African fish eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Yes | 87. | |
Zimbabwe | African fish eagle | Haliaeetus vocifer | Yes | 88. | |
Australia | Emu | Dromaius novaehollandiae | No | 89. | |
Belarus | White stork | Ciconia ciconia | No | 90. | |
Bermuda | Bermuda petrel | Pterodroma cahow | No | 91. | |
Canada | Canada jay | Perisoreus canadensis | No | 92. | |
China | Red-crowned crane. Proposed as national bird by State Forestry Administration in 2007 (awaiting State Council approval). | Grus japonensis | No | 93. | |
Croatia | Common nightingale | Luscinia megarhynchos | No | 94. | |
Czech Republic | Common kingfisher | Alcedo atthis | No | 95. | |
Finland | Whooper swan | Cygnus cygnus | No | 96. | |
France | Gallic rooster | Gallus gallus | No | 97. | |
Germany | Golden eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | No | 98. | |
Ireland | Northern lapwing | Vanellus vanellus | No | 99. | |
Italy | Italian sparrow | Passer italiae | No | 100. | |
Kenya | Lilac-breasted roller | Coracias caudatus | No | 101. | |
Myanmar | Grey peacock-pheasant | Polyplectron bicalcaratum | No | 102. | |
Netherlands | Black-tailed godwit | Limosa limosa | No | 103. | |
Northern Ireland | Eurasian oystercatcher | Haematopus ostralegus | No | 104. | |
Pakistan | Shaheen falcon (Heritage bird) | Falco peregrinus peregrinator | No | 105. | |
Palestine | Palestine sunbird | Cinnyris oseus | No | 106. | |
Poland | White stork (national bird) | Ciconia ciconia | No | 107. | |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rican spindalis | Spindalis portoricensis | No | 108. | |
Scotland | Golden eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | No | 109. | |
Singapore | Crimson sunbird | Aethopyga siparaja | No | 110. | |
South Korea | Korean magpie | Pica (pica) serieca | No | 111. | |
Sweden | Common blackbird | Turdus merula | No | 112. | |
Taiwan | Taiwan blue magpie | Urocissa caerulea | No | 113. | |
Ukraine | White stork | Ciconia ciconia | No | 114. | |
United Kingdom | European robin | Erithacus rubecula | No | 115. | |
Uruguay | Southern lapwing | Vanellus chilensis | No | 116. | |
Wales | Red Kite | Milvus milvus | No | 117. |
इन्हे भी पढ़े:-
- Body Parts Name In Hindi & English | External, Internal Organs name
- 1 to 10 table ( 1 से 10 तक का टेबल ) | 1 to 10 table in Hindi, English
- one to ten spelling | 1 to 10 spelling | Numbers Word
- 11 to 20 spelling In English | Numbers spellings
- Sunday monday ki spelling | sunday to saturday | Week ( Day ) Name
- Roman ginti | Roman numbers 1 to 1000 ( रोमन गिनती )
- Number Name | 1 to 100 spelling | Numbers ki spelling
- Sanskrit mein ginti | Sanskrit counting 1 to 100 ( Number ) संस्कृत में गिनती
- Pahada ( पहाड़ा ) | 2 से लेके 20 तक का पहाड़ा Table In Hindi
- Ginti in hindi ( हिन्दी गिनती ) , ginti hindi mein 1 to 100
- abcd | A to Z Chart | Letter , alphabet, spelling सम्पूर्ण जानकारी
- Name of fingers | finger names in hindi & English ( उंगलियों के नाम )
Note- तो आज हमने क्या क्या जाना bird name, bird name in english, bird name list, bird name hindi and english, bird name in hindi, hindi language bird name in hindi, bird name with picture, bird name hindi, bird pictures with name अगर आपको हमारें द्वारा दी गई यह जानकारी अच्छी लगी हो तो आप हमें Comment करके जरूर बतायें। धन्यवाद।