Direct and indirect speech worksheet PDF Exercise

Direct and indirect speech worksheet PDF Exercise

Direct and indirect speech worksheet :- Direct Speech: Direct speech is when we directly quote the exact words spoken by someone. We use quotation marks to indicate direct speech.

For example: She said, “I love ice cream.”

Indirect Speech: Indirect speech is when we report or convey what someone said without using their exact words. In indirect speech, we do not use quotation marks. Instead, we summarize or paraphrase what was said.

For example: She said that she loved ice cream.

Direct Speech to Indirect Speech Conversion:

Steps Example
1. Change pronouns “I” changes to “he/she/they”
2. Change verb tense Present tense changes to past tense
3. Change time and place references Adjust time and place references accordingly
4. Change reporting verbs Use reporting verbs (e.g., said, told)

Indirect Speech to Direct Speech Conversion:

Steps Example
1. Identify the reporting verb Determine the reporting verb used in indirect speech
2. Change pronouns Pronouns change to match the original speaker
3. Change verb tense Past tense changes to present tense
4. Remove the reporting verb Remove the reporting verb and any conjunctions

Direct and indirect speech worksheet


Worksheet 1: Direct and Indirect Speech

Instructions: Read the sentences below and convert them from direct speech to indirect speech.

1-“I love chocolate,” she said.
2-“We are going to the park,” he told me.
3-“I can’t come to the party,” he said.
4-“I have finished my homework,” she told her teacher.
5-“I will call you later,” he promised.
6-“I won the race,” she exclaimed.
7-“I don’t like vegetables,” he admitted.
8-“I am going on vacation,” she informed her friends.
9-“I didn’t break the vase,” he insisted.
10-“I want to be a doctor,” she said.


Worksheet 1: Direct and Indirect Speech (Converting from direct to indirect speech)

1-She said that she loved chocolate.
2-He told me that they were going to the park.
3-He said that he couldn’t come to the party.
4-She told her teacher that she had finished her homework.
5-He promised that he would call me later.
6-She exclaimed that she had won the race.
7-He admitted that he didn’t like vegetables.
8-She informed her friends that she was going on vacation.
9-He insisted that he hadn’t broken the vase.
10-She said that she wanted to be a doctor.

Worksheet 2: Direct and Indirect Speech

Instructions: Read the sentences below and convert them from indirect speech to direct speech.

1-She said she was tired.
2-He told me he had seen the movie.
3-She said she would help me with my project.
4-He told them he didn’t want to go.
5-She said she had finished reading the book.
6-He told me he was going to the store.
7-She said she didn’t have any money.
8-He told them he couldn’t attend the meeting.
9-She said she didn’t know the answer.
10-He told me he wanted to be a musician.


Worksheet 2: Direct and Indirect Speech (Converting from indirect to direct speech)

1-She said, “I am tired.”
2-He said, “I have seen the movie.”
3-She said, “I will help you with your project.”
4-He said, “I don’t want to go.”
5-She said, “I have finished reading the book.”
6-He said, “I am going to the store.”
7-She said, “I don’t have any money.”
8-He said, “I can’t attend the meeting.”
9-She said, “I don’t know the answer.”
10-He said, “I want to be a musician.”

Worksheet 3: Mixed Direct and Indirect Speech

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of direct or indirect speech.

1-She asked me, “Where are you going?”
She asked me where ____________ going.

2-“I will meet you at the cafe,” he said.
He said he ____________ meet me at the cafe.

3-“I don’t like spicy food,” she told her friend.
She told her friend that she ____________ spicy food.

4-“I have already seen that movie,” he said.
He said he ____________ already ____________ that movie.

5-“Can you pass me the salt?” she asked.
She asked if ____________ pass her the salt.


Worksheet 3: Mixed Direct and Indirect Speech (Fill in the blanks)

1-She asked me where I was going.
2-He said he would meet me at the café.
3-She told her friend that she didn’t like spicy food.
4-He said he had already seen that movie.
5-She asked if I could pass her the salt.

Worksheet 4: Direct and Indirect Speech Practice

Instructions: Convert the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech. Write your answers in the space provided.

1-“I love ice cream,” she said.
Answer: She said that she loved ice cream.

2-“We are going to the park,” they announced.
Answer: They announced that they were going to the park.

3-“I saw a movie last night,” he told me.
Answer: He told me that he had seen a movie last night.

4-“I will call you later,” he promised.
Answer: He promised that he would call me later.

5-“I can’t swim,” she admitted.
Answer: She admitted that she couldn’t swim.

Answers: Worksheet 4:

1-She said that she loved ice cream.
2-They announced that they were going to the park.
3-He told me that he had seen a movie last night.
4-He promised that he would call me later.
5-She admitted that she couldn’t swim.

Worksheet 5: Direct and Indirect Speech Practice

Instructions: Convert the following sentences from indirect speech to direct speech. Write your answers in the space provided.

1-He said that he was tired.
Answer: “I am tired,” he said.

2-She told me that she had finished her homework.
Answer: “I have finished my homework,” she told me.

3-They said that they would arrive late.
Answer: “We will arrive late,” they said.

4-He mentioned that he had seen the movie.
Answer: “I have seen the movie,” he mentioned.

5-She admitted that she didn’t know the answer.
Answer: “I don’t know the answer,” she admitted.

Answer Worksheet 5:

1-“I am tired,” he said.
2-“I have finished my homework,” she told me.
3-“We will arrive late,” they said.
4-“I have seen the movie,” he mentioned.
5-“I don’t know the answer,” she admitted.

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