Has Have worksheets Online exercises PDF Book

Has Have worksheets | Online exercises PDF Book

Has Have worksheets  :- 1-“Has” is used when talking about a singular subject, such as a person, animal, or thing. It shows that the subject possesses or owns something or is in a specific state.

  • She has a cat. (She owns a cat.)
  • The book has colorful illustrations. (The book contains colorful illustrations.)
  • He has a new car. (He owns a new car.)

2-“Have” is used when talking about plural subjects, such as multiple people, animals, or things. It also indicates possession or ownership or describes a state.

  • They have three dogs. (They own three dogs.)
  • We have a picnic in the park. (We are having a picnic in the park.)
  • The children have big smiles. (The children are showing big smiles.)

In summary, “has” is used with singular subjects, while “have” is used with plural subjects. They both indicate possession, ownership, or describe a state. Remember that “has” is for one person or thing, and “have” is for more than one.

I hope this simple explanation helps you understand how to use “has” and “have”!

Has Have worksheets


Here are a few worksheets on the topic of “Has” and “Have” for kids, along with their corresponding answers:

Worksheet 1: Fill in the Blanks

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with “has” or “have” to complete each sentence correctly.

1-My friend ___ a pet cat.
Answer: has

2-We ___ a picnic in the park.
Answer: have

3-The baby ___ blue eyes.
Answer: has

4-They ___ a new car.
Answer: have

5-She ___ a beautiful garden.
Answer: has

Worksheet 2: Multiple Choice

Instructions: Choose the correct form of “has” or “have” to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter.

1-My dog ___ a long tail.
a) have
b) has
Answer: b) has

2-We ___ a fun day at the beach.
a) has
b) have
Answer: b) have

3-The sun ___ shining brightly in the sky.
a) have
b) has
Answer: b) has

4-The students ___ a lot of homework.
a) have
b) has
Answer: a) have

5-My mom ___ a busy schedule.
a) has
b) have
Answer: a) has

Worksheet 3: Sentence Completion

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of “has” or “have”.

1-The monkey ___ a long tail.
Answer: has

2-We ___ a big family.
Answer: have

3-My sister ___ blue eyes.
Answer: has

4-They ___ a new house.
Answer: have

5-The flowers ___ a lovely fragrance.
Answer: have

These worksheets should help kids practice using “has” and “have” correctly in sentences. Feel free to use them in your teaching or learning activities!

Worksheet 4: Matching Activity

Instructions: Match the subject on the left with the correct form of “has” or “have” on the right.

The cat a) have
My friends b) has
I c) have
The baby d) has
We e) have

The cat d) has
My friends e) have
I c) have
The baby d) has
We e) have

Worksheet 5: Sentence Writing

Instructions: Write a sentence using the correct form of “has” or “have” for each subject given.

1-The dog
Answer: The dog has a wagging tail.

2-My toys
Answer: I have many toys to play with.

3-The birds
Answer: The birds have built a nest in the tree.

Answer: She has a beautiful smile.

5-The students
Answer: The students have completed their assignments.

Worksheet 6: True or False

Instructions: Determine if each statement is true or false. If false, rewrite the sentence using the correct form of “has” or “have”.

1-The book have a red cover.
Answer: False. The book has a red cover.

2-My brother has a pet fish.
Answer: True.

3-We have two bicycles.
Answer: True.

4-The flowers has a sweet scent.
Answer: False. The flowers have a sweet scent.

5-The teacher have given us a homework assignment.
Answer: False. The teacher has given us a homework assignment.

I hope these additional worksheets and answers are helpful for teaching or practicing “Has” and “Have” with kids!

Worksheet 7: Word Scramble

Instructions: Unscramble the letters to form words related to “has” and “have”.

Answer: HAVE

Answer: DASH

Answer: HATS

Answer: HASH

Answer: HAVE

Worksheet 8: Sentence Completion

Instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of “has” or “have”.

1-The baby ___ a cute smile.
Answer: has

2-They ___ three apples in their basket.
Answer: have

3-My favorite toy ___ a green color.
Answer: has

4-We ___ a wonderful time at the park.
Answer: have

5-The sun ___ a warm glow.
Answer: has

Worksheet 9: Writing Exercise

Instructions: Write three sentences using “has” or “have” to describe the following subjects.

1-Your best friend
Example answers:

  • My best friend has a great sense of humor.
  • We have known each other for many years.
  • She has a talent for playing the piano.

2-Your favorite animal
Example answers:

  • The cheetah has amazing speed.
  • They have spots on their fur.
  • It has a long tail for balance.

3-Your bedroom

Example answers:

  • My bedroom has a cozy bed.
  • I have many books on my bookshelf.
  • It has a big window that lets in lots of sunlight.

Feel free to use these worksheets and answers to engage kids in learning about “Has” and “Have”.

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