Addition and subtraction worksheets

Addition and subtraction worksheets PDF Book

Addition and subtraction worksheets :- Today we are giving you the worksheets of the most important Chapter Addition and Subtraction of Maths, which you must show to your child and ask him to solve all the problems, we are also giving you PDF which you can also download.


Addition and subtraction worksheets PDF Book




Worksheet 1: Addition

  1. 2 + 3 =
  2. 7 + 1 =
  3. 4 + 6 =
  4. 9 + 2 =
  5. 5 + 5 =
  6. 8 + 4 =
  7. 3 + 9 =
  8. 6 + 7 =
  9. 1 + 8 =
  10. 5 + 2 =

Worksheet 2: Subtraction

  1. 8 – 3 =
  2. 6 – 2 =
  3. 9 – 5 =
  4. 7 – 1 =
  5. 10 – 6 =
  6. 5 – 4 =
  7. 12 – 8 =
  8. 15 – 9 =
  9. 11 – 7 =
  10. 20 – 12 =

Worksheet 3: Mixed Addition and Subtraction

  1. 4 + 2 =
  2. 7 – 3 =
  3. 9 + 5 =
  4. 12 – 8 =
  5. 6 + 1 =
  6. 10 – 4 =
  7. 3 + 7 =
  8. 15 – 6 =
  9. 8 + 3 =
  10. 11 – 5 =

Worksheet 4: Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction

  1. 23 + 15 =
  2. 36 – 18 =
  3. 42 + 27 =
  4. 58 – 39 =
  5. 76 + 12 =
  6. 85 – 27 =
  7. 94 + 16 =
  8. 67 – 45 =
  9. 51 + 38 =
  10. 72 – 26 =

Addition and subtraction for class 1


Worksheet 5: Word Problems


1-John has 5 apples. He buys 3 more apples. How many apples does John have in total?
2-Sara had 8 stickers. She gave 4 stickers to her friend. How many stickers does Sara have now?
3-There are 10 birds on a tree. 3 birds flew away. How many birds are left on the tree?
4-Lisa has 15 marbles. She loses 6 marbles. How many marbles does she have now?
5-There are 20 students in a class. 9 students are absent. How many students are present in the class?


1-John has 5 apples. He buys 3 more apples. Total apples: 8
2-Sara had 8 stickers. She gave 4 stickers to her friend. Stickers remaining: 4
3-There are 10 birds on a tree. 3 birds flew away. Birds left on the tree: 7
4-Lisa has 15 marbles. She loses 6 marbles. Marbles remaining: 9
5-There are 20 students in a class. 9 students are absent. Students present: 11


Addition and subtraction for class 2


Worksheet: Word Problems for Class 2


  1. Sarah has 5 apples, and her friend Lily gives her 3 more apples. How many apples does Sarah have now?
  2. There are 7 birds sitting on a branch. 4 more birds join them. How many birds are there in total?
  3. John has 12 candies. He eats 5 candies. How many candies does John have left?
  4. There are 15 students in a class. 8 students are girls. How many students are boys?
  5. Lisa had 9 stickers. She gave 3 stickers to her brother. How many stickers does Lisa have now?


  1. Sarah has 8 apples.
  2. There are 11 birds in total.
  3. John has 7 candies left.
  4. There are 7 boys in the class.
  5. Lisa has 6 stickers left.

Addition worksheet for class 3


  1. There are 9 red apples and 6 green apples in a basket. How many apples are there in total?
  2. Tim has 15 stickers, and he gives 4 stickers to his friend. How many stickers does Tim have now?
  3. Emma has 7 pencils, and her brother gives her 3 more pencils. How many pencils does Emma have in total?
  4. In a school library, there are 18 books on one shelf and 12 books on another shelf. How many books are there in total?
  5. A pack of chocolates has 24 pieces. If 8 pieces are eaten, how many chocolates are left?


  1. There are 15 apples in total.
  2. Tim has 11 stickers left.
  3. Emma has 10 pencils in total.
  4. There are 30 books in total.
  5. There are 16 chocolates left.
Addition and subtraction worksheets PDF Book – Download
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